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2024 KSRT Convention

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Thank you for a successful convention!


When: The 87th annual meeting
will be April 4-6, 2024. 

Where: Drury Inn Broadview in Wichita, Kansas.

More info: Click here for all the information -- schedule, parking, hotel, service project.  

RegistrationClick here to register at Memberplanet.  

SAVE THE DATE for 2025: April 3-5, 2025, in Manhattan!



Click here to head on over to Member Planet to register.

Get the Program


Have the master plan at your fingertips.

Hotel Information


Click here to find out more information about the hotel.

2024 Competition Rules


Be wise to the contest rules. 

Convention Code of Conduct

Click here to see our expectations for our Annual Convention.

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2024 KSRT Convention

© 2024 Kansas Society of Radiologic Technologists. Created by Cara Myers.

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